The MOVE by BJC Blog

Spring into Fitness

Friday, March 25, 2022

Spring is just around the corner and now is the time to spring into fitness. The warmer weather provides a great opportunity to get outside and exercise. Whether you are just starting out or need to spring clean your fitness routine, this is the time to start. I recommend these 5 tips to help develop your new spring fitness routine.

  1. Set Goals: First chose your overall goal, then set small goals to help you achieve your main goal. Make sure you are setting S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely) goals to help you be more successful with your health and fitness goals.
  2. Develop a Schedule: Start by blocking off designated times in your schedule to workout. Those that make the time are more likely to show up and do the work.
  3. Get Outside: Incorporate outdoor workouts with going to the gym. An example of this is doing your cardio outside. Take advantage of the nicer weather by going for a walk, run or bike ride outside.
  4. Find a Workout Partner: Not only will a workout partner help motivate you, but they will also keep you accountable in showing up to exercise.
  5. Clean Up Your Nutrition Plan: Yes, exercise is important, but so is what you eat. Without proper nutrition, it will be difficult to achieve the results from exercising alone. This is a great time to go through your refrigerator and pantry and clean out all the unhealthy foods and replace them with healthier options.